What are the portfolios we need to present to graduate?

  • Personal Statement (ENL - Grade 11)
  • Literary Essay (ELA - Grades 11 or 12)
  • Social Studies Research paper (U.S. History, Gov or Econ)
  • Laboratory/Research report (Science - Grades 11 or 12)
  • Mathematics Project (Algebra 2 or Geometry)
  • Native Language Arts Portfolio (Spanish - Grades 9-12)

Additional PBAT Support

Are you available to help before or after school? Please let us know!

  • Earth Science - Period 0 Wednesday - Friday - Ms. Lee
  • PBAT Support - After-school Wednesday - Friday - Ms. Lee
  • Social Studies Research paper (U.S. History, Gov or Econ)
  • PBAT Support - After-school Wednesday/Thursday - Mr. Camarda
  • PBAT Support (During the day) - Benson
  • Saturday PBAT Support
  • Success Mentors - They pull out assigned Students

PAIHS PBAT Projects Hub

Code: 6vtwyxq

PBAT Teachers please drop your PBAT projects in your section in the classwork tab. This is for anyone (teachers, success mentors, support staff) who is working with a student to finish their PBATs to access resources.

Anyone who needs to help a student with a project can find the entire project in the classwork tab!

Mentoring Expectations

  • Take Attendance in JumpRope every week
  • Check Mentoring Agenda spreadsheet for weekly To-Do
  • Update the progress tab for each student (drop down)
  • Keep track of all PBAT needs of students
  • Check Mentoring Google Classroom
  • Recommend your mentee WHENEVER they are ready even if it is before Regents week (we do have Tuesday panels, if you're interested, let us know)
  • If students need extra support, how to get that extra support

Code: oqbmrt4

Please join the Mentoring Google Classroom with code oqbmrt4 for announcements and useful resources like the recommendation form, agenda and progress tracker

Mentor Recommendation Process

Please recommend your student to present even if it is before Regents week. We can schedule them for Tuesday remote panels!!! Let us know if you are interested in joining a remote panel on Tuesdays

  • Ensure the final paper and visual is presentation ready and meets the criteria of PBAT rubrics
  • Upload final paper and visual into the students’ virtual PBAT folders
  • Fill out the form for the presenting student (There is a new form for this year)
  • Check the virtual PBAT schedule (There is a new virtual PBAT schedule) to inform your student when they are expected to present
  • Content teachers, success mentors, support staff can also recommend students to present, but please communicate with their mentors as well that the student has been recommended.

Weekly Mentoring Agenda/Progress Tracker

As we did last year, please refer to the spreadsheet for weekly mentoring announcements/agenda. There is also a second tab for progress.


Update the progress tab for each mentee and check what PBAT teachers want you to do during this time.

Review mentee progress on all PBATs. For any students that are chronically absent, please bring to the attention of counselors. Take attendance in JumpRope.

PBAT Teachers

Update agenda so mentors know what to work on with kids.